4.19.18 - Posted in Helios Energy News
Concord University Project Kick-Off

ATHENS, W.Va. – Just in time for Earth Day 2018 Concord University, in partnership with Helios Energy, a Nashville, TN based energy consulting company, has launched a campus wide LED lighting retrofit project that will eliminate 20,000 linear fluorescent and 4,700 CFL lamps. The project will not only reduce the energy consumption for lighting by more than 65 percent annually, but also eliminate the cost of replacing the antiquated fluorescent lamps and ballast that contain Mercury, PCBs and other elements that are harmful to the environment.
The yearly 1,764,310 kWh saved from the project is enough energy to completely power over 100 average sized U.S. homes for an entire year. The amount of Mercury that will be safely recycled from the fluorescent lights removed from the campus will help prevent 209 acres of fresh drinking water from potential contamination.
Helios Energy™ in partnership with Lighting Resources, a leader in hazardous material recycling, utilizes state-of-the-art lamp recycling equipment to safely extract Mercury from all these lamps. Additionally, there will be over 3 tons of metal and 2 tons of cardboard recycled by the University during the project with further positive impact to the environment.
Reducing energy use is the quickest, safest and most cost-effective way to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases that accompanies the generation of electricity from fossil fuels.
Visit www.heliosenergyus.com for more information.
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