Helios Energy™ Solutions

Energy Audits

Developing a comprehensive Strategic Energy Plan is the first step in identifying areas of opportunity for reducing energy consumption, management energy systems, and generating clean energy and storage.

See Energy Audits

Full-Scope Electrical Contracting

Helios Energy™ offers comprehensive full-scope electrical contracting services, delivering expert solutions in design, installation, maintenance, and system optimization for commercial and industrial projects. With a commitment to innovation and efficiency, our team ensures seamless integration of cutting-edge electrical systems tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.

See Electical Contracting Services

Solar PV and Clean Energy Storage

Helios Energy™ manages and streamlines the entire commercial clean energy process, from the initial evaluation and financing to construction and maintenance, maximizing savings for your organization.

See Renewable Energy

LED Lighting and Controls

LED Lighting and Controls Can Reduce Energy Consumption

See LED Lighting

Energy Management

Take complete control of your energy usage with an Energy Management System (EMS).

See Energy Management Systems

HVAC Retrofitting

While HVAC is the largest energy-user, it also the largest opportunity for significant energy savings. With our unique TotalE Approach, let us help you capture those savings.

See HVAC Retrofitting Services