Teays Valley YMCA


Teays Valley YMCA

Teays Valley YMCA of Scott Depot, West Virginia was seeking to substantially increase illumination throughout their facility, particularly in the multipurpose gymnasium, indoor swimming pool, and fitness center. Additionally, the YMCA staff had immediate security concerns pertaining to the parking lots and areas immediately surrounding the building and exterior premise. Facing the normal financial challenges faced by non-profit organizations, the YMCA needed an innovative approach to financing this improvement project. Helios Energy™ was able to provide a turn-key solution that exceeds all illumination and security concerns and provided funding enabling the organization to generate immediate savings on overall monthly utility and lighting expense.

  • Cut energy consumption by 60%
  • Cut maintenance expense by 50%
  • Increase delivered Foot Candles throughout facility
Teays Valley YMCA
Teays Valley YMCA

  • Replaced high wattage, high heat metal halide parking lot, gym, pool and sport courts lights with LED fixtures
  • Replaced high wattage fluorescent troffers with premium architectural retrofit
  • Added premium LED flat panels to entrance and reception area
  • Added remote switching for workout facilities


  • Lighting energy consumption reduced by 75%
  • Maintenance expense for lighting reduced by 90%
  • Met and exceeded IES illumination Standard
  • Illumination in fitness center increase of 100%
  • Illumination increase in parking lot of greater than 300%
Teays Valley YMCA

The Helios Energy™ Impact

10-year energy savings $97,800‬

10-year maintenance savings $51,750

Total monthly savings $2,061.3

Total 10-year savings $247,360‬

320,994 lbs. CO2 saved! Equivalent to removing 31.1 cars from the road a year, or not burning 16,372.5 gallons of gas!

Alliant Centre


Alliant Centre

Alliant Centre located in Franklin, Tennessee.

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Concord University

Domestic LED Project

Concord University

Concord University located in Athens, West Virginia

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Berkeley County YMCA


Berkeley County YMCA

Berkeley County YMCA of Moncks Corner, South Carolina sought to substantially reduce energy and maintenance expenses.

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